Tag Archives: interior design company Dubai

The Difference Between Renovation and Maintenance?

There is a lot that homeowners need to do to keep their homes in tip-top shape. And with so many terms being thrown about such as “renovations”, “refurbishments”, and “maintenance”, it can be difficult to determine what to do with your home at what time. Thankfully, there are...

Office Interior Design Ideas

Believe it or not, but your office interior design can play an influential role in employee performance and overall happiness. Well-decorated office space can lift employee’s moods and create a conducive work environment. On the other hand, a dimly lit, poorly decorated office can have a direct...

How Long Does the Interior Design Process Take?

If you are thinking about recruiting an interior design company in Dubai to redecorate your home, then you must be wondering how long the entire interior design process will take. There is no definite answer to this question. Most interior designers work on a case by case basis, and the time may...

Modern Architecture Home Décor

When it comes to home design, there are plenty of interior design trends to choose from. Some people prefer traditional architecture designs such as Roman, Greek, and Arabic architecture, while others lean towards a more contemporary look. In recent years, modern architecture home décor has...